Cooking From Scratch

The Essential Skill Everyone Needs for Self-Sufficiency

In a world dominated by convenience foods and takeout options, the art of cooking from scratch is often overlooked. However, at Homesteading Suburbia, we believe that this essential skill is not only a means of preparing meals but a way to connect with food, nurture our bodies, and unleash our creativity in the kitchen.

Whether you want to save money or eat healthier, learning to cook from scratch can transform your relationship with food and provide numerous cost and health benefits. Let’s explore what it means to cook from scratch, the advantages it offers, the essential kitchen tools needed to get started, and five must-know ‘from scratch’ recipes.

So, put on your apron, grab your spatula, and let’s dive into the world of cooking from scratch!

Related Article: 6 Amazing Gifts for Cooking Enthusiasts

What Does ‘Cooking from Scratch’ Mean?

Cooking from scratch refers to the process of preparing meals using raw or minimally processed ingredients rather than relying on pre-packaged or pre-cooked foods. It involves selecting fresh produce and herbs, raw meats, tasty spices, and other whole ingredients and transforming them into delicious and nutritious meals through various cooking techniques.

It’s a hands-on approach that encourages creativity and empowers you to experiment with different flavors and culinary techniques.

photo of poached egg on top of asparagus

Benefits of Cooking From Scratch

Cost Benefits

One of the primary benefits of cooking from scratch is the potential for cost savings. Pre-packaged and takeout meals can get expensive, especially when consumed regularly. By cooking from scratch, you have the opportunity to buy ingredients in bulk, choose affordable options, and plan meals that stretch your budget.

Additionally, cooking from scratch reduces food waste since you can use every part of an ingredient, such as vegetable peels for broth or leftover meats for sandwiches. With some meal planning and smart shopping, you can enjoy delicious, home-cooked meals while saving a ton of cash.

Health Benefits

Cooking from scratch is a cornerstone of healthy, natural living. When you cook your meals, you have full control over the ingredients, allowing you to prioritize nutrient-dense options and limit unhealthy additives.

Processed foods often contain excessive amounts of sodium, unhealthy fats, and artificial preservatives, which can negatively impact your health in the long run. By cooking from scratch, you can choose fresh, organic produce, lean proteins, and whole grains to create balanced and nutritious meals.

This way, you can improve your overall well-being, maintain a healthy weight, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.

Environmental Benefits

In today’s world, where environmental concerns are at the forefront, cooking from scratch offers a sustainable way to nourish yourself and even protect the planet.

You see, pre-packaged foods often come with excessive packaging that contributes to waste and pollution. By cooking from scratch, you can adopt a green living practice as you reduce your reliance on single-use plastics and packaging materials.

Additionally, cooking from scratch allows you to support local farmers, choose organic produce, or even grow your own food if you’re willing, contributing to sustainable agricultural practices.

By embracing this mindful approach, you can reduce your carbon footprint and make a positive impact on the environment.

Learning Fundamental Skills

Cooking from scratch is not just about the end result; it’s a journey of learning and self-improvement.

By mastering the art of making homemade food, you develop fundamental culinary skills that can be applied to a wide range of dishes and cuisines. From knife skills to understanding flavors and textures, you gradually become more confident and creative in the kitchen.

Home cooking also allows you to explore different cooking techniques such as sautéing, baking, grilling, and steaming. As you experiment with flavors and techniques, you’ll discover your own cooking style and develop a deeper appreciation for the culinary arts.

cooking utensils in a container next to wooden cutting boards

Essential Kitchen Tools You Need to Start Cooking from Scratch

Before diving into the world of cooking from scratch, you need to have the right tools at your disposal. While there are countless gadgets and appliances available, a few key items will suffice to get you started on your culinary journey. Here are the essential kitchen tools every aspiring home cook should have:

Chef’s Knife

A high-quality chef’s knife is the backbone of any kitchen. Invest in a sturdy, sharp, and well-balanced knife that allows for precise and efficient cutting.

Cutting Board

A durable cutting board is necessary for chopping vegetables, fruits, and meats. Opt for a cutting board made of bamboo, wood, or some other organic material that is toxin-free.

Measuring Cups and Spoons

Accurate measurements are crucial for successful cooking and baking. Have a set of measuring cups and spoons to ensure you add the right quantities of ingredients to your recipes.

Pots and Pans

A versatile collection of pots and pans is essential for various cooking techniques. Start with a medium-sized saucepan, a large skillet, and a stockpot to cover a wide range of recipes.

Baking Sheet

Whether you’re roasting vegetables, baking cookies, or making sheet pan dinners, a sturdy baking sheet is a must-have in the kitchen.

Mixing Bowls

Have a selection of mixing bowls in different sizes to accommodate various preparations, from whisking dressings to mixing cake batters.

Wooden Spoon and Spatula

Wooden spoons and spatulas are heat-resistant and gentle on your cookware. They are perfect for stirring, flipping, and scraping.


Tongs are incredibly versatile and useful for flipping meat, tossing salads, and serving pasta.


A grater is indispensable for shredding cheese, zesting citrus fruits, and grating spices such as nutmeg and cinnamon.


A colander is essential for draining pasta, rinsing vegetables, and straining liquids.

With these basic kitchen tools, you’ll be well-equipped to embark on your cooking-from-scratch journey. As you gain experience and explore new recipes, you can gradually expand your collection of tools and gadgets.

Carving a roasted chicken with veggies served family style on a black table.
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

Top 5 ‘From Scratch’ Recipes You Should Know How to Make

Now that we’ve covered the meaning and benefits of cooking from scratch, let’s dive into five essential ‘from scratch’ recipes that every home cook should master. These recipes cover a range of flavors and techniques, allowing you to build a solid foundation in the kitchen.

Check out our blog series:

How to Make Homemade Pantry Staples

You can learn how to make these staple food items in this blog series:

1. Homemade Bread

There’s nothing quite like the aroma of freshly baked bread wafting through the kitchen. Making homemade bread is a deeply satisfying process that connects you with centuries of culinary tradition.

From classic baguettes to rustic whole wheat loaves, the possibilities are endless. The process involves mixing flour, yeast, salt, and water, kneading the dough, and allowing it to rise before baking it to golden perfection.

The result? Crispy crusts, soft interiors, and a sense of accomplishment.

2. Roasted Chicken

A perfectly roasted chicken is a timeless staple for any gathering or family meal. The key to a juicy and flavorful roast chicken lies in the preparation and cooking technique.

The process of roasting a chicken starts with brining the chicken to infuse it with moisture and flavor. Seasoning is then added generously with herbs, spices, and aromatics. The bird is then tossed into the oven until it’s perfectly crispy on the outside and perfectly tender and juicy on the inside.

3. Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolate chip cookies are a classic treat loved by people of all ages. Baking these cookies from scratch allows you to customize the sweetness, texture, and add-ins according to your preference.

The process involves creaming butter and sugar, adding eggs and vanilla extract, combining dry ingredients, and folding in chocolate chips.

The result is a batch of warm, chewy, and indulgent cookies that are perfect for sharing or enjoying as a comforting treat.

4. Stir-Fry With Rice

Stir-fries are quick, versatile, packed with flavor, and full of nutrients from all that protein and veggies. Mastering the art of stir-frying allows you to create delicious and healthy meals in just minutes.

This meal is cooked on the stovetop in a wok or skillet and is a combination of protein, vegetables, seasoning, and sauces. When served over a bed of fluffy steamed rice, it’s a complete and satisfying meal.

5. Spaghetti

A beloved and classic pasta dish, spaghetti is simple yet incredibly satisfying. Cooking spaghetti from scratch involves preparing the pasta sauce from scratch as well as cooking the pasta to al dente perfection. Fresh tomatoes, vegetables, and herbs are best in this traditional Italian dish!

Big family preparing food together in the kitchen

Ready to Start Cooking from Scratch?

Cooking homemade food is a valuable skill that empowers you to take control of your meals, improve your health, and unleash your creativity in the kitchen. By understanding the meaning of cooking from scratch and the benefits it offers, you can embark on a culinary journey that not only nourishes your body but also nourishes your soul.

With the essential kitchen tools at your disposal and a repertoire of ‘from scratch’ recipes, you’ll be well-equipped to explore the endless possibilities in the world of cooking. So, put on your apron, gather your ingredients, and let your culinary adventure begin!

FAQs: Cooking From Scratch

Is cooking from scratch time-consuming?

Cooking from scratch can be time-consuming, especially when starting. However, as you gain experience and develop efficient cooking techniques, you’ll find ways to streamline the process. Meal planning and prepping ingredients in advance can also save time during busy weekdays.

Can I cook from scratch if I’m a beginner in the kitchen?

Absolutely! Cooking from scratch is a skill that anyone can learn, regardless of their culinary experience. Start with simple recipes and gradually challenge yourself with more complex dishes. The more you practice, the more confident you’ll become.

Are there any health risks associated with cooking from scratch?

Cooking from scratch is generally considered a healthy cooking method since you have control over the ingredients you use. However, it’s important to practice proper food safety and hygiene to prevent cross-contamination and ensure that ingredients are cooked to safe internal temperatures.

Can I save money by cooking from scratch?

Most assuredly, yes! Cooking from scratch can help you save money in the long run. By purchasing ingredients in bulk, planning meals, and avoiding expensive takeout options, you can significantly reduce your food expenses.

How can I make cooking from scratch a family activity?

Cooking from scratch can be a fun and engaging family activity. Involve your children in age-appropriate tasks such as washing vegetables, stirring ingredients, or measuring ingredients. This allows them to learn essential cooking skills and develop a love for homemade meals.

Check out our recent blog post for another healthy family activity to add to your list: 5 Reasons to Have Your Kids Help in the Garden

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