Natural Living

Curious about natural living and what it would take?

Living a natural and sustainable lifestyle has gained significant popularity in recent years. That’s because people are striving to reconnect with nature and prioritize their well-being.

At Homesteading Suburbia, we often explore the concept of living naturally, its benefits, and various practices that suburban homesteaders can adopt.

Ready to embrace a more eco-friendly and wholesome way of life?

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What is Natural Living?

Natural living is not a new philosophy or approach in life. It’s simply one that emphasizes natural practices in our daily lives.

A natural lifestyle promotes:

  • The use of organic and sustainable products
  • Self-sufficiency
  • A harmonious relationship with the environment

This type of living involves making conscious choices to reduce our impact on the planet and prioritize natural, eco-friendly alternatives in our daily lives for the benefit of our health.

Family of four walking on a nature path

Benefits of Natural Living

Embracing natural living offers numerous benefits for individuals, families, communities, and the planet as a whole. Some of the key advantages include:

  1. Improved Health: Living naturally encourages the use of organic and chemical-free products, which can minimize exposure to toxins and reduce the risk of health issues such as allergies, respiratory problems, and skin irritations.
  2. Environmental Conservation: By choosing sustainable practices, a natural lifestyle promotes the conservation of natural resources, reduction of waste, and preservation of biodiversity. It contributes to a healthier planet for future generations.
  3. Enhanced Well-being: Living in harmony with nature can have a positive impact on mental and emotional well-being. Surrounding yourself with green spaces, engaging in outdoor activities, and adopting a minimalist lifestyle can lead to reduced stress levels and increased overall happiness.
Fresh vegetables and dried herbs on a wooden surface

Natural Living Practices for Suburban Homesteaders

Suburban homesteaders have a unique opportunity to embrace natural living practices within their homes and communities. Here are some key areas where you can make a difference!

Growing Food

Embracing sustainable agriculture practices, such as organic gardening, permaculture, or hydroponics, allows suburban homesteaders to grow their own fresh and healthy fruits, vegetables, and herbs.

By growing food, we can reduce reliance on store-bought food, enjoy the benefits of homegrown produce, minimize exposure to pesticides, and support local ecosystems.

Related Article: 5 Natural Garden Pest Control Methods (That Won’t Kill Beneficial Insects and Pollinators)

Cooking From Scratch

Cooking from scratch using natural ingredients is a fundamental aspect of a natural lifestyle. By preparing meals at home, you can control the quality of ingredients, avoid processed foods, and reduce reliance on packaged and highly processed meals. This promotes healthier eating habits and overall health while reducing the environmental impact associated with food transportation and packaging waste.

Using Natural Cleaning Products

Commercial cleaning products often contain harmful chemicals that can pollute indoor air and harm human health. You can opt for natural cleaning alternatives such as vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils, which are equally effective at cleaning but are environmentally friendly. You can also try your hand at making a natural DIY laundry detergent. These natural cleaning solutions not only keep homes clean but also contribute to a greener environment.

Related Article: The Best Homemade All-Purpose Cleaner for Your Home (3 Recipes)

Using Natural Home Remedies and Homemade Cosmetics

Natural remedies derived from medicinal herbs, plants, and other natural sources, can offer effective alternatives to conventional medications for common ailments. Under the direction and supervision of your healthcare professionals, you can explore herbal remedies, essential oils, and homeopathic treatments. These solutions are great for minor health concerns and help in reducing reliance on synthetic drugs while supporting holistic well-being.

Related Article: What is a Tincture?

Natural living can also apply to our beauty and home routines. Buying natural beauty products and toiletries is a great start, but you can also explore the benefits of DIY natural cosmetics and homemade candles to ensure only healthy, natural ingredients are being used on your body and in your home.

Check out our blog series:

Uncommon Uses For Common Household Items

This series includes information on household and medicinal uses of items like:

Living a Minimalist Lifestyle

Adopting a minimalist lifestyle aligns with the principles of natural living. By focusing on essential possessions, reducing clutter, and avoiding excessive consumerism, you can create a more balanced and sustainable lifestyle. Minimalism promotes conscious consumption, reduces waste, saves money, and fosters a deeper appreciation for the things that truly matter.

Related Article: Is Homesteading Worth It? Cost, Savings, and Earnings Study

Person in apron holding a small potted vegetable plant

Want to Start Adopting Natural Living Practices?

In a world where modern conveniences often come at the expense of our well-being and the environment, natural living provides a path to reconnect with nature, prioritize sustainability, and lead a more fulfilling and wholesome life.

By embracing these practices, suburban homesteaders can make a positive impact on their own lives and contribute to a greener and more sustainable future for all.


Is natural living only suitable for people living in rural areas?

Natural living is suitable for you regardless of your location. While some practices, such as growing food, may require space, many aspects of a natural lifestyle can be incorporated into urban or suburban environments, and apartment homesteading can even be a great solution.

Embracing organic and sustainable alternatives, reducing waste, and connecting with nature can be done by anyone, regardless of their residential setting.

Can natural living be expensive?

Natural living doesn’t have to be expensive. While some organic or eco-friendly products may have higher upfront costs, the long-term benefits, such as improved health and reduced environmental impact, outweigh the initial investment.

Additionally, many DIY natural living practices, such as growing your own food or making homemade cleaning products, can actually save money in the long run.

How can natural living benefit the environment?

Natural living promotes practices that minimize waste, reduce reliance on non-renewable resources, and support biodiversity. By choosing organic, locally sourced products, reducing energy consumption, and embracing sustainable habits, practicing natural living contributes to a healthier planet by reducing pollution, conserving resources, and preserving natural habitats.

Are there any certifications or labels to look for when purchasing natural products?

When purchasing natural products, look for certifications and labels that indicate their organic or eco-friendly status. Some common certifications include USDA Organic, Fair Trade Certified, and EcoCert. These labels ensure that the products meet specific criteria and adhere to recognized standards of sustainability and ethical practices.

How can I start embracing natural living in my daily life?

You can ease into natural living by making small changes in your daily routine. Begin by incorporating organic and locally sourced foods into your diet, reducing single-use plastics, and exploring natural alternatives for cleaning and personal care products. Educate yourself about sustainable practices and gradually adopt them in various aspects of your life, taking one step at a time.