Natural Living

How to Make Homemade Candles (And Why You Should)

If you love the lovely aroma and soft illumination that lighting candles in your home brings, you’ve come to the right place! Making homemade candles is a delightful and rewarding natural living project that allows you to create personalized, eco-friendly, and cost-effective candles tailored to your preferences. We will walk you through the process of how to make homemade candles and explore the compelling reasons why you should embark on this creative journey.

dark red candle on table surrounded by green eucalyptus decorations

Benefits of Making Homemade Candles

A popular winter homesteading practice, making homemade candles is a project that’s more than just a fun craft. Here are some significant benefits to consider when it comes to candle making.

Saves You Money

If you go through a lot of candles in your house, this one’s for you. One of the most appealing aspects of crafting homemade candles is the significant cost savings. Commercial candles can be expensive, especially if you’re a candle enthusiast. By making your own, you’ll not only reduce your candle budget but also have the satisfaction of creating something unique.

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You Can Use Chemical-Free and Natural Ingredients

When you create homemade candles, you have full control over the ingredients. This means you can choose natural, chemical-free materials, making your candles healthier and preventing toxins in your home’s air as well as the environment. Say goodbye to synthetic additives and embrace a more sustainable, green living approach.

You Can Customize Scents and Colors

Homemade candles provide the opportunity to experiment with a wide range of scents and colors. Whether you prefer soothing lavender in your bedroom or invigorating citrus in the kitchen, you can tailor each candle to your mood and preferences. It’s aromatherapy at your fingertips!

They Make Economic and Personal Gifts

Candles make fantastic gifts and homemade candles are among some of the best homemade gifts you can give. They show you’ve put thought and effort into the present. You can create personalized candles for birthdays, holidays, or any special occasion. Your loved ones will appreciate the time and care you’ve invested.

Related Article: How to Give the Best Homemade Gifts (That Don’t Suck)

You Can Stockpile Candles for Emergencies

In times of emergency or power outages, homemade candles can be invaluable for practical prepping. Having a stash of candles you’ve made yourself ensures that you’re prepared for unexpected situations. Plus, they provide a comforting and calming ambiance during stressful times.

You can even make a DIY candle heater in a pinch, which can help heat your home when the power goes out.

Related Article: Emergency Stockpile Checklist: Here’s What You’ll Really Need In Case of Power Failure or Crisis

Woman making homemade candle by pouring wax into glass candle jar

Tools and Ingredients You’ll Need

To get started with candle making, you’ll need the following tools and ingredients:


candle making tools on a wooden tray

How to Make Homemade Candles: Step-By-Step

Now that you’ve gathered your materials, let’s dive into the step-by-step process of making homemade candles/

Step 1: Prepare Your Work Area

Set up a clean, organized workspace with all your materials within reach. Cover surfaces with newspaper or parchment paper to catch any wax spills.

Step 2: Measure and Melt the Wax

Measure the amount of wax you’ll need for your candles and melt it on the stovetop using a double boiler, candle-making pouring pot, or use microwave-safe container to melt it in the microwave.

Monitor the temperature with a thermometer to ensure it doesn’t overheat.

EricX Light Candle Making Pouring Pot

Why We Love It:

  • Holds 4 lbs of wax
  • Durable aluminum construction
  • Non-stick for easy cleaning
  • Heat-resistant handle
  • Dripless pouring spout

Step 3: Add Fragrance and Color

If desired, add fragrance oils and dye wax dye to the melted wax. Stir gently until the scent and color are evenly distributed.

Step 4: Prepare the Wick and Mold

Attach the candle wick to the bottom of your candle mold or candle jar using a wick holder or adhesive. Make sure it stands straight in the center.

Step 5: Pour the Wax

Carefully pour the melted wax into the mold or container, ensuring that the wick remains centered. Leave some space at the top for any additional wax needed later.

SoftOwl Premium Soy Candle Making Kit

Why We Love It:

  • Kit includes aluminum pouring pot, extra wax, and all materials needed to make homemade candles
  • Uses natural soy wax
  • Includes fragrances, dyes, and dried flowers and herbs
  • Ideal for beginners

Step 6: Add Decorative Elements

If you’re adding dried flowers and herbs to your candles, sprinkle them in now and push them down through the wax until they’re in an aesthetic position to your liking.

Step 7: Let It Cool

Allow the candle to cool and solidify for several hours or overnight. Trim the wick to the desired length.

Step 8: Enjoy Your Homemade Candle

Once the candle has fully cooled and solidified, it’s ready to use! Light it up, relax, and bask in the warm, soothing glow of your homemade creation.

glass jar candles with blank labels next to natural plant branches

Can You Sell Homemade Candles?

Yes, you can sell homemade candles made on your suburban homestead! If you’re passionate about candle making and want to turn it into a small business, there’s definitely a market for handmade candles.

Be sure to research local regulations, create unique packaging, and market your candles effectively to attract customers and make money homesteading!

yellow homemade candles in clear glasses with wick holders attached

Ready to Make Homemade Candles?

Making homemade candles is a satisfying and environmentally friendly hobby that offers numerous benefits. From cost savings to customization, the rewards are both tangible and personal. Start your candle-making journey today, and illuminate your life with the warmth and creativity of homemade candles.

a close up shot of a person cutting the wick of a candle

FAQs: How to Make Homemade Candles

Are homemade candles safe to use?

Yes, homemade candles are safe to use when made properly with quality ingredients and following safety guidelines. Always monitor candles when they are lit and keep them away from flammable materials.

Can I reuse old candle wax to make new candles?

Yes, you can reuse old candle wax to create new candles. Simply melt down the old wax, filter out any debris, and repurpose it in your candle-making projects.

Popular candle scents include lavender, vanilla, citrus, cinnamon, and fresh linen. Experiment with different fragrances to find your favorites and don’t forget about seasonal scents like apple, pumpkin, cloves, and evergreen!

How long do homemade candles typically burn?

The burn time of homemade candles varies depending on the size and type of wax used. On average, a homemade candle can burn for 25 to 45 hours.

Can I add decorative elements to my homemade candles?

Yes, you can add decorative elements like dried flowers, herbs, or glitter to your homemade candles for a personalized touch. Just be sure they are non-flammable and safe for candle use.

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