Raising Animals

The Mobile Coop: What Is a Chicken Tractor and Do You Need One?

In the realm of backyard chicken keeping, there’s a term that often piques curiosity: What is a chicken tractor? It’s not a vehicle pulled by chickens (though that would be a sight to see!), but rather a cleverly designed coop with a mobile twist.

If you’re new to the world of raising chickens or contemplating expanding your flock, understanding what a chicken tractor is and whether it’s a necessity for you is essential. Let’s delve into this innovative approach to poultry housing and explore its benefits and considerations.

What Is a Chicken Tractor?

Wood stained chicken coop with white chickens

At its core, a chicken tractor is a portable chicken coop designed to house a small number of chickens in a contained space. Unlike traditional stationary coops, chicken tractors are built on wheels or skids, allowing them to be easily moved around your yard or pasture.

This mobility serves a dual purpose: providing chickens with fresh forage regularly while simultaneously fertilizing and aerating the soil.

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Typically constructed with lightweight materials such as wood or PVC pipe, chicken tractors come in various shapes and sizes. Some resemble miniature traditional coops with attached runs, while others are simpler structures consisting of a sheltered area for roosting and nesting with an open-bottomed enclosure for grazing.

Benefits of Using a Chicken Tractor

Pasture Management

One of the primary advantages of a chicken tractor is its ability to promote healthy pasture management. As the coop is moved across the landscape, chickens graze on grass, weeds, insects, and other vegetation, effectively reducing the need for mowing and controlling pests naturally.


As chickens forage, they also deposit manure directly onto the soil. This natural organic fertilizer enriches the ground with essential nutrients, improving soil health and promoting plant growth. Over time, the repeated movement of the tractor contributes to even distribution of nutrients across the pasture.

Prevention of Overgrazing

By confining chickens to a specific area for a limited time, chicken tractors help prevent overgrazing. Once the vegetation within the enclosure is consumed, the tractor is moved to a fresh patch of grass, allowing the grazed area to recover fully before chickens return.

Better Security

While not as fortified as stationary coops, chicken tractors provide adequate protection from most ground-based predators, such as foxes, raccoons, and stray dogs. Additionally, the presence of chickens actively foraging can deter some predators from approaching the area.

Improved Egg Quality

Chickens raised in chicken tractors often produce eggs with richer yolks and more robust flavors. This is attributed to their varied diet and exposure to sunlight and fresh air, factors that contribute to overall hen health and egg quality.

Considerations Before Investing in a Chicken Tractor

Chicken in coop looking through fencing


While the mobility of chicken tractors offers numerous benefits, it also requires regular movement of the coop to prevent overgrazing and soil compaction. Depending on the size of your property and the number of chickens you intend to keep, this may require significant time and effort.

Size and Design

Consider the size and design of the chicken tractor based on the number of chickens you plan to house and the available space in your yard or pasture. Ensure adequate ventilation, nesting boxes, and roosting bars within the coop to accommodate the needs of your flock.

Climate Considerations

In regions with extreme temperatures or inclement weather, additional insulation or ventilation may be necessary to ensure the comfort and well-being of your chickens. Likewise, provisions for shade and protection from harsh sunlight should be incorporated into the design.

Predator Protection

While chicken tractors provide some level of predator protection, they are not impervious to determined predators. Consider reinforcing vulnerable areas with hardware cloth or electric fencing to deter predators effectively.

Related Article: How to Build a Chicken Coop Cheap: House Your Flock Without Breaking the Bank

Closeup side profile of brown chicken

Related Article: Healthy Hen Home: How to Clean a Chicken Coop in 7 Easy Steps

Ready For Your Feathered Friends’ Next Home?

A chicken tractor offers a sustainable and practical solution for backyard poultry enthusiasts looking to raise healthy chickens while maintaining their land’s health. By combining mobility, pasture management, and predator protection, chicken tractors provide numerous benefits for both chickens and landowners alike.

With proper planning and management, a chicken tractor can be a valuable addition to any small-scale homesteading operation, enhancing the overall health and productivity of your flock and land.

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