Homesteading Suburbia

Arming suburbia with homesteading skills and self-sufficiency.
Our Purpose
Discovering the Joys of Suburban Homesteading
Here at Homesteading Suburbia — as you might have guessed — we are suburban homesteaders.
Do we live on farms? No. Do we even own homes? Not necessarily.
But what we do have is a firm belief in the need for sustainability and self-sufficiency – even for those of us living in suburban and urban areas (and even for those of us who are renting our living spaces).
Related Post: 12 Ways to Start Apartment Homesteading

Our Goal
To Bring Sustainability and Self-Sufficiency to Suburbia
Homesteading Suburbia’s focus is to learn and teach others how to be self-sufficient, even when they don’t live on a rural farm.
We encourage this with our how-to guides and informational posts on sustainability and self-sufficiency practices like:
- Growing food to have organic, nutritious ingredients on hand
- Cooking from scratch to build life skills and avoid processed foods
- Preserving food to have access to healthy food year-round
- Raising animals to supplement income and food
- Green living by adopting energy-saving, eco-friendly practices
- Natural living by using holistic and natural ingredients and products
- Practical prepping to be ready for emergencies, disasters, and supply chain disruptions
Discover the Joys of Suburban Homesteading!
If you’re a suburban resident or an urban apartment dweller who’s ready to take steps toward sustainability and self-sufficiency, you’ve come to the right place…
Join us on our journey toward discovering the joys of suburban homesteading!