Preserving Food

Dehydrating Mashed Potatoes: Preserving Your Potato Harvest

Last Updated on August 12, 2024 by Veronica Sparks

Mashed potatoes in white bowl on black surface

Dehydrating mashed potatoes is a practical and efficient way to preserve your potato harvest. As the popularity of preserving food at home continues to grow, many people are exploring different methods to store their garden bounty.

The dehydrating method is one of the oldest and best ways to extend the life of your potatoes and make them convenient for future use. Let’s explore the benefits of dehydrating mashed potatoes and walk you through the steps needed to do it at home.

Benefits of Dehydrating Mashed Potatoes

heart shaped potatoes

Dehydrating your mashed potatoes offers numerous advantages, making it an excellent option for those looking to make the most of their potato harvest.

Preserve Potato Harvest

If you find yourself with an abundant potato harvest, dehydrating mashed potatoes is an excellent way to ensure none of your hard-earned produce goes to waste. Growing potatoes in your garden can lead to a bountiful yield, but finding ways to store them long-term can be a challenge. Dehydrating allows you to preserve their flavor and nutritional value while reducing the risk of spoilage.

Compact Storage

One of the primary benefits of dehydrating mashed potatoes is the significant reduction in storage space required. Fresh potatoes can take up a lot of room in your pantry or basement root cellar, but once dehydrated, they shrink to a fraction of their original size.

This compact form makes it easy to store your produce in large quantities without cluttering your storage areas, leaving room for other preserved foods.

Long Shelf Life

Dehydrated mashed potatoes have a remarkably long shelf life, making them a reliable food source in your pantry. When stored properly, they can last for months or even years without losing their flavor or nutritional value. This extended shelf life is particularly beneficial for those who want to prepare for emergencies or have access to homegrown and organic potato products year-round.

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Quick & Convenient Rehydration and Cooking

Another advantage of dehydrating mashed potatoes is the convenience they offer. Rehydrating them is quick and easy, allowing you to whip up a delicious side dish or add them to soups and stews without much effort. This convenience is especially valuable for busy households or outdoor enthusiasts looking for lightweight, easy-to-prepare meals during camping trips, like homemade MREs.

Dehydrating Mashed Potatoes in 4 Easy Steps

potatoes beside stainless steel cooking pot

Now that we’ve explored the benefits of dehydrating mashed potatoes, let’s move on to the process itself. It’s a straightforward task, especially if you own a dehydrator, and it just requires some basic additional equipment and a little time. Follow these steps to ensure your mashed potatoes are perfectly preserved and ready for future use.

1. Prepare the Potatoes

The first step in dehydrating mashed potatoes is to prepare the potatoes. Start by peeling them to remove the skins, which can become tough during dehydration. Once peeled, cut the potatoes into uniform pieces to ensure even cooking. Smaller pieces will cook more quickly, so aim for approximately one-inch cubes.

2. Cook the Potatoes

Once your potatoes are prepped, it’s time to cook them. Boil the potato pieces in a large pot of water until they are fork-tender, which typically takes about 10-15 minutes. Once cooked, drain the potatoes thoroughly to remove excess water.

When mashing the potatoes, avoid adding any dairy products like butter or milk, as these can spoil during storage. If you need to add liquid for smoother mashed potatoes, use only water to achieve the desired consistency.

3. Dehydrate the Mashed Potatoes

Spread the cooked mashed potatoes evenly onto silicone dehydrator tray inserts. Alternately, depending on your dehydrator setup, you may be able to use parchment paper instead of silicone dehydrator inserts. This step ensures that they dry evenly and prevent sticking.

Set your dehydrator to a temperature of around 135°F (57°C) and let the potatoes dry for 8-10 hours. They should be completely dry, brittle, and break easily when done. If any portions of the dried sheets of potatoes are pliable or moist, toss them back into your dehydrator for another hour or two. If any residual moisture is in your potatoes when you store them, you run the risk of bacteria presence, mold growth, and spoilage.

COSORI Food Dehydrator

Why We Love It:

  • Made with food-grade stainless steel materials
  • Includes 6 stainless steel trays, a fruit roll sheet, a mesh screen, and dehydrating cookbook
  • Quiet operation
  • Precision timing and temperature
  • 6 1/2 square feet of drying space

4. Store the Dehydrated Mashed Potatoes

Once your mashed potatoes are fully dehydrated, the next step is to grind them into a rough powder. A food processor or blender can help achieve the desired consistency. Store the dehydrated mashed potatoes in airtight mylar bags to protect them from moisture and light.

For long-term food storage, consider adding oxygen absorbers to the mylar bags. Label and date the bags to keep track of their shelf life.

We love the below set of mylar bags since it comes with oxygen absorbers, labels, and a variety of bag sizes!

Related Article: Best Food Storage Containers for Homesteaders

Ready to Make Dehydrated Mashed Potatoes?

Dehydrating mashed potatoes is an effective way to preserve your potato harvest, providing you with a versatile and convenient food source. By following these simple steps, you can ensure your potatoes remain fresh and flavorful for months or even years.

Whether you’re an avid gardener looking to make the most of your crop or simply seeking a practical way to store food, dehydrating mashed potatoes is a valuable skill. Enjoy the benefits of compact storage, long shelf life, and quick meal preparation by incorporating dehydrated mashed potatoes into your pantry.


How long do dehydrated mashed potatoes last?

Dehydrated mashed potatoes can last anywhere from 6 months to several years if stored properly in airtight containers away from light, moisture, and temperature fluctuations. Using oxygen absorbers can further extend their shelf life, ensuring you have a reliable food source in your pantry.

How do you rehydrate mashed potatoes?

To rehydrate mashed potatoes, combine equal parts dehydrated potatoes and boiling water in a bowl. Stir well and let the mixture sit for a few minutes until the potatoes absorb the water and reach your desired consistency. You can add more water if necessary to achieve a smoother texture.

What are the best potatoes to use for dehydrating mashed potatoes?

The best potatoes for dehydrating mashed potatoes are starchy varieties like Russet or Yukon Gold. These potatoes have a high starch content, which gives mashed potatoes a fluffy texture. Avoid waxy potatoes, as they can result in a gummy consistency when rehydrated.

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