Green Living

Energy Saving Tips for Summer: 8 Ways to Lower Utility Bills During the Hottest Months

As the temperature rises during the summer months, so does our reliance on air conditioning and other energy-consuming appliances. This increased energy usage inevitably leads to higher utility bills and hinders those green living practices. However, with a few simple adjustments and conscious choices, you can significantly reduce your energy consumption and keep your utility bills in check. Let’s explore some energy-saving tips for summer that will help you save big while keeping your home cool and comfortable.

white thermostat hanging on the wall

Fast Facts About Summer Energy Use and Costs

Before we delve into our summer energy-saving tips, let’s take a quick look at some eye-opening facts about summer energy use and costs:

  • Air conditioning can account for up to 50% of your summer electricity bill.
  • On average, households tend to use 25% more electricity during the summer months.
  • The United States consumes more energy for air conditioning than the entire continent of Africa uses for all purposes combined.
  • Energy demand often peaks during the hottest days, putting strain on the power grid.
bedroom with window open

8 Energy Saving Tips for Summer That Will Help You Save Big

1. Invest in a Smart Thermostat

Say hello to the smart way of cooling your home! By installing a smart thermostat, you can set it and forget it. These intelligent devices learn your cooling preferences and adjust the temperature accordingly, maximizing your comfort while minimizing energy waste. Plus, you can control your thermostat remotely, so you can cool down your home just before you arrive without having to your air conditioning all day.

Google Nest Learning Thermostat

Google Nest Learning Thermostat

Why We Love It:

  • Smart Design: Looks modern and stylish, enhancing your home decor.
  • Energy Savings: Save money on energy bills as Nest learns your schedule and adjusts the temperature accordingly.
  • Easy Setup: Installation is a breeze, and you can do it yourself in minutes.
  • Remote Control: Adjust temperature from anywhere using your smartphone.
  • Eco-Friendly: Helps you be more environmentally conscious.

2. Block Out the Sun During Peak Daylight Hours

Those sun rays can be fierce! To keep your home naturally cooler, make sure to close blinds, curtains, or shades during the hottest parts of the day. Consider investing in thermal insulated blackout shades or blackout curtains that will help block out the hot air and keep your space cooler.

YoungsTex Pure White 100% Blackout Curtains

YoungsTex Pure White 100% Blackout Curtains

Why We Love Them:

  • Total Darkness: Perfect for a restful sleep or movie time during the day.
  • Energy Efficiency: Keep your room cool in summer and warm in winter, reducing energy consumption.
  • Noise Reduction: Enjoy a quieter space by blocking outside noise and disturbances.
  • Machine Washable: Conveniently clean them in the washing machine without any hassle.

This simple step will help block out the sun’s heat and reduce the need for constant air conditioning. Your A/C won’t have to work so hard, your home will stay cooler, and your energy bills will be noticeably lower.

3. Shut off the A/C and Use Fans During Cooler Times

Who says you need to rely solely on air conditioning? On those pleasant summer days or early summer mornings when the temperature drops a bit, give your A/C a break and opt for fans instead. Ceiling fans, oscillating floor fans, or even portable fans can create a refreshing breeze that keeps you comfortable without guzzling energy. So, go ahead and embrace the power of fans!

4. Make Switches to Solar Home Products

Consider making some smart switches to solar home products to reduce your dependence on traditional energy sources. While you can certainly install solar panels to generate electricity for your home, you don’t need to go that big right away. You can switch to solar-powered outdoor lighting, solar water heaters, or even solar phone chargers and security cameras.

Mregb Power-Bank-Solar-Charger

Mregb Power-Bank-Solar-Charger

Why We Love It:

  • Portable: Charge your devices anywhere.
  • Clean Energy: Harness the sun’s power to recharge.
  • Versatile: Works with a wide range of devices, including smartphones, tablets, and more.
  • Fast Charging: Quick and efficient charging for your devices.
  • Multiple Charging Ports: Charge multiple devices simultaneously.

These solar investments can lead to substantial long-term savings while being environmentally friendly.

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5. Cool Off in Other Ways

Sometimes all you need is a quick cooldown. Instead of reaching for the A/C, try some alternative methods to beat the heat. Take a refreshing cold shower, drape a cold towel on your neck and wrists, turn on the sprinklers for some summer water fun, or enjoy some frozen treats with the kiddos.

These tricks provide immediate relief without relying on energy-intensive cooling systems.

6. Use Warm or Cool Water When Possible

You probably already know that using hot water for everyday tasks like showering, hand-washing, or cleaning can contribute to higher energy consumption. Switching to warm or cool water instead can make a big difference. Challenge yourself to opt for a cooler temperature, and you’ll see the savings add up on your energy bill.

7. Schedule Regular Preventative Maintenance for Efficiency

A well-maintained cooling system is an efficient cooling system. Make sure you keep your A/C, water heater, and fans in top shape by scheduling regular maintenance. Clean or replace filters, check for leaks or damage, and consider professional servicing as needed.

By keeping your equipment running smoothly, you’ll minimize energy waste and extend its lifespan.

8. Ensure Your Home is Properly Insulated

Proper insulation is the secret to maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature while minimizing energy usage, but insulation isn’t just for the winter months. This summer, take the time to insulate your walls, windows, and attic to prevent cool air from escaping and hot air from sneaking in.

Trust us, good insulation is like a superhero cape for your home, helping it stay cooler for longer periods and reducing the need for constant air conditioning.

blooming white and yellow daisy flowers near brown teapot beside desk fan on table

Ready to Save Big Energy This Summer?

Congratulations! You’re now armed with some fantastic energy-saving tips to beat the summer heat and save money. By following our energy-saving tips for summer, you’ll be well on your way to a cooler, greener, and more budget-friendly season. So, go ahead, put these tips into action, and enjoy a comfortable and energy-efficient summer season while doing your part for the planet. Stay cool!

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